John Burr Voice Dynamics

Strong Endings

Strong Endings

It is very important to end most sentences with strength–to not let them taper off and fade out. Otherwise, the drama of the sentence will be lost to the listener.

Everything in language builds. The only exceptions are endings on a redundant word, passive voice, or a colloquial expression.

Here are some examples:

Ending on a redundant word (which also includes pronouns. Pronouns are inherently redundant words):
“Gordon loves his wife. I know he will always love his wife.” (“…love his wife” is not emphasized).
With a pronoun instead of wife: “I know he will always love her.”
(“…love her” is not emphasized).

Ending in passive voice:

“Scientists are diligently trying to find out how the chemical operations essential for survival are being carried out within the cells of all living creatures.” (“…are being carried out…” is not emphasized).

Ending with a colloquial phrase:

“My wife works too hard.”
(“…too hard” is not emphasized).
If too hard is emphasized, it sounds, for dramatic purposes, to be very literal and not informal, as a colloquial phrase is meant to be.

Look for other examples of this fundamental grammatical rule and  instances of the three exceptions illustrated in this Tip of the Month.

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John Burr Voice Dynamics

John Burr Voice Dynamics

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