John Burr Voice Dynamics

Get John's Book

The Voice Over Actor’s Handbook is available on Amazon.

Learn how to deliver a voice over script like a pro with the insightful learning tools provided in this in-depth voice over training book. John developed this voice over book in response to a long-observed need for a more in-depth understanding of how English language fundamentals directly influence the analysis, interpretation and delivery of any script. This is a book that gets to the heart of voice over performance!

“This really is the first practical and pragmatic treatment of voice over’s unique demands and approaches that I’ve seen. In particular the section that begins, ‘Why we read the way we do’, is not only spot-on, it should be required reading for anyone who wants to do or is already doing voice work…..truly brilliant!” – Harlan Hogan.

Fill out the Form for a Free Consultation or Call 941-914-0312.


•  A complete guide to how the structure of the English language relates to the process of script interpretation.
•  The only language dynamics related reference book in the industry.
•  Explains from a grammatical perspective how and why certain words are emphasized and others not emphasized.
•  Gives the reader new insights on reasoning the mood, meaning and purpose of a script.
•  Accompanying the twenty-seven chapters are over two hundred fifty audio cuts that demonstrate nearly every concept presented in the book.
•  With this guidebook, you will have a leg up on the competition, and a ready reference source available to you anytime!

John Burr Voice Dynamics

John Burr Voice Dynamics

Fill out the form for a free consultation or call 941-914-0312.